Friday, March 12, 2010

Best Places to Visit in Rome Tour

Best Place to Visit in Rome - Enjoy Best sighseeing places to visit in Rome. Here You can find the detailed list of best sightseeing places to visit in Rome. Travelmasti also provide exciting tour to Rome.

Rome Tour
The capital of Italy, Rome also has a history of being Caput Mundi (capital of the world).  The city whose tales of valour date back to two and a half thousand years, Rome today is an embodiment of majestic kingly rule.  Its architectural brilliance spread wide across is pulsating and has the quality of bringing that era alive in front of the visitor’s eyes.  Rome holiday packages are to admire the lost glory of the world that existed thousands of years ago and is to learn the secrets of journey of mankind from the dark castle age to the sky-scraping towers times.  Rome is dark, gothic and delirious in character; a visit here will surely get the travel bug in you hooked.  The city intrigues human mind beyond imagination and its essence continues to linger on the soul even after the visit.  Such is the charisma of the place that makes Rome holiday experience an indispensable part of your Europe trip.

A home to popes during the Middle Ages, Rome also witnessed Renaissance and is dotted with numerous stunning cathedrals dating that age. An important pilgrimage centre for the Christians its influence on the world regarding subjects such as art, architecture, literature, culture, politics, law other than religion cannot be ignored.  Therefore, known as Caput Mundi, the eternal city of Rome is laced with numerous secrets of that glorious age for the visitors to explore.  The city contributed in providing many magnum opuses to the world, applauded by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites, these cathedrals, palaces, museums and other historic monuments are the highlights of tours to Rome that attracts innumerable art lovers from world over.

Places one must visit on Rome tours includes:

Vatican City:
Vatican City
The centre of Catholicism, Vatican City is known for housing precious art work that cannot be seen elsewhere in the world.  World’s smallest state it is also the temporal seat of Pope Benedict XVI.  A sightseeing tour here will take you first to magnificent St. Peter’s Basilica which is the centre of the Catholic world.  Another reason for which people opt for Rome holiday packages is to visit one of the greatest art galleries in the world- the Vatican Museum.

The Colosseum:
The Colosseum
The finest emblem of Roman architecture and engineering, the Colosseum is an elliptical amphitheatre.  The largest ever built during Roman Empire, the Roman Coliseum originally had a capacity to seat 50,000 spectators assembled to witness gladiatorial contests and other public spectacles.  Though partially ruined the Colosseum has been universally applauded for its achievements in earthquake engineering and is a sight of wonder for the world.  The Colosseum has been announced one of the New Seven Wonders of the World on July 7, 2007.
Trevi Fountain:
Trevi Fountain
An elaborate fountain standing 25.9 meters high and 19.8 meters wide is the largest Baroque fountain in Rome. Admired for its stunning artistic style, the fountain is flanked by tourists in large numbers to view its Baroque style which was encouraged by Roman Catholic Church.  According to a legend throwing a coin into the fountain ensures another visit to the beautiful city of Rome.  Another common believe says throwing two coins ensure a new romance and three will ensure a marriage.  A beauteous sight, a visit to Trevi Fountain is a must feature of Rome holiday packages of couples.

Travelmasti is a traveler who likes to share his experiences. All the articles published by him will help you understand Europe better and answer all your holiday queries regarding International Holidays, Rome holiday packages, Indian Hotels, Delhi Hotels, Rome Holiday,  and much more.

For more info visit Rome Tour